Wednesday, October 27, 2010

CaNcEr SuCkS!

Well, I decided since I was feeling better to write another post. Recently, I had throat surgery to remove the tumor, which I am happy to say is gone! But I ended up having two surgeries because the graph that the doctor took from my thigh didn't take, so the second surgery he took a graph from my arm. Thank goodness that one took. But because I was in bed for two weeks, it was so hard to walk. I lost a lot of weight and strength. Which that's real bad if your about to have another chemo treatment. I also got my trachea out, which was kinda scary. The feeling of not being able to breath is awful. But when they took it out and closed the hole, I could finally breath out of my nose and mouth. Which was a great feeling.
The surgery caused me to have to relearn how to swallow. Which was weird because naturally you are born with knowing how to swallow. How could you forget? My speech therapist told me that it will be easier to swallow when the swelling in my neck to go down. Which could take awhile.
When we finally got back home I got to rest for several days then we headed back to Dallas for yet another chemo. Chemo was fine. I went and did my chemo and then trucked home to Amarillo. Now when you do chemo the following week you get neutropenic, and that's when your immune system is like zero. So that next week we went to see my pediatrician here and she decided that I should be taken to the hospital for a blood transfusion. I went to the hospital and that's when we noticed that the incision on my neck was infected. My pediatrician decided that we should go to Dallas Childrens hospital to get better care. So that night we were careflighted to Dallas in a little jet. It turned out that the incision got infected. It is serious for cancer patients to get infections because of our weak immune systems. The infection cause the incision on my neck to completely open up. The last chemo wasn't a good idea.
I stayed at the hospital for weeks before I could return home again. Since then I have been fighting constant nausea that has gradually gotten better. The bad thing is that I can't finish my last two chemo's untill my neck heals somewhat. Today was supposed to be my last chemo. I could of been done.
I'm sad that I am missing out on everything. I miss being with my friends. It's like chemo ruined my life, put strains on my relationships, and took away my love for music. I've forgotten what it's like to live. So I just pray that we have no more complications, and everything will turn out okay. I've still got some fighting to do but I'm almost done. God works in mysterious ways!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I am so so glad you are almost done you keep fighting girl keep on keeping on God is Good
